In Love

In Love
Photo by Jennifer Graham Photography

Friday, June 10, 2011

The Symphonic City

What kind of city would love build? I’ve left a big question hanging for a week, as I buried my nose in Torino. But now, in the middle of a massive thunderstorm, as I sit outside on a fifth-floor balcony, I’m ready to take my first shot. Tell me how I do.

Love would simply build a city where people could be in love. That sounds somewhat ridiculous, and yet we already have a more prosaic term for this – “high quality-of-life”.

How is this term used? To describe a place where the people’s needs are met. Of course, the
physical needs – food, clothing, shelter. Less well considered, but equally important, are our emotional needs. I’m a hack psychologist, so if someone has a better list of these needs, please share, but let’s start with those that arise at first blush: personal security, respect, freedom, human contact, and love. Modern Western society has been quite successful at fulfilling physical needs – at least when one compares the present to the rest of human history. It is less successful with fulfilling our emotional needs. This, though abstract, is the thrust of my own work. Because when emotional fulfillment occurs, there is love.

From a prosaic standpoint, what happens in a city of love? Many things – a million tuned instruments creating a rich, complex city. Affordable, comfortable home for families. Fulfilling, rewarding employment. Spaces to be social, creative, spiritual. Respect and awe for natural cycles. The right to speak one’s mind. The ability to thrive. And to love as one sees fit. For everyone.

I know there exists no such place right now. Although some cities are far closer than others. Torino (which I’ll write about separately) certainly is well on its way. So is San Francisco. It’s what I’ll keep my eye on as the travels continue.

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